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2003 Harley-Davidson Low Rider
In the summer of 2002, the new 100th Anniversary 2003 line of bikes came out. To make a (very) long story short, I wanted a Low Rider. Marty ended up trading in his Sportster so I could get the Low Rider (we didn't want to get rid of my show bike). Marty rode my Sportster until he got the Wide Glide. I loved my Low Rider!
Of course about a year after we had Samantha, we decided that instead of letting the motorcycles sit in the garage and rot, we would go ahead and sell them now and buy new ones when we got back into riding again. We kept the Sportster because it's worth more to me than we would be able to get out of it if we sold it. The Wide Glide sold on Dec 7th, 2006 and the Low Rider sold on March 27th, 2007.